Computer Shutdown Hack/Mod (useful for pranks at school, work, friends, ect.)
Picture of Computer Shutdown Hack/Mod (useful for pranks at school, work, friends, ect.)
This instructable will show you how to make a disguised shutdown button on any computer that you have access to with your own error message that pops up. It's very simple if you follow this instructable and takes no more then 3 minutes. :)
DISCLAIMER- I am in no way responsible for any harm that is caused from this instructable. This is for educational purposes only and I am in no way advocating the use of this trick. (haha yeah right, but seriously if you get caught it's due to your stupidity, don't go saying "CrazyCory564 from told me to!!!)
Step 1: Creating Icon
This is the first step for creating the icon. All you do is right click anywhere on the screen, go to new, and select Shortcut.
PLEASE NOTE- Some school/work computers will not let you right click on the screen. If that's the case, just open the "My Computer" section from the start menu, and drag the dropdown menu to "Desktop". There should be a thing that says "New" on the top left somewhere, and from there you can choose Shortcut.
Step 2: Making the Shutdown Command
This is the hardest step of the entire process. (Note how easy it is) In the box where it says "Type the location of the item:" (may vary depending on computer, but it's the same idea) type this:
Shutdown -s -f -t (the number here must be 2 digits, and will establish the countdown time before the computer shuts down) -c "(What you type in here is the message that will come up during the countdown before the computer shuts down)"
For example what I typed in the picture:
Shutdown -s -f -t 10 -c "You got pwnd"
Shutdown -s -f -t (the number here must be 2 digits, and will establish the countdown time before the computer shuts down) -c "(What you type in here is the message that will come up during the countdown before the computer shuts down)"
For example what I typed in the picture:
Shutdown -s -f -t 10 -c "You got pwnd"
Step 3: Naming the Shortcut
All you do here is type what program you want to disguise the shutdown button as
I.E. Internet Explorer
When you're done, just click finish and it should look somewhat like the last picture on this step looks like.
I.E. Internet Explorer
When you're done, just click finish and it should look somewhat like the last picture on this step looks like.
Computer Shutdown Hack/Mod (useful for pranks at school, work, friends, ect.)
Reviewed by steven lee
June 29, 2015

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