Instruction to use

1 - What Torrent software should I use?
Vuze and uTorrent are the most recommended and easiest to use:

Download Vuze here.
Download uTorrent here.

There might be reasons to use an obscure P2P application and with more devices offering access to torrents it will be harder to maintain a definitive list...

However consider that less people will have experience in your choice of application so help and support will require original work and research on your part.

Bit Comet should be avoided due to it's "padding" files, this consumes more of your ISP bandwidth and so takes longer to do everything and people are less likely to seed your torrents as they do not like the numerous spam files. Read more here.

2 - When I have downloaded a Torrent, how do I make sure I can seed back?

When you download a Torrent from here and open it up with your Torrent client, it will be put in your download folder. If you want to seed the Torrent, then don't remove it from the folder it got downloaded to. If you remove it's folder position, your Torrent client don't know where the content it shall seed back is, and you'll get an error while uploading.

3 - How do I download Torrent?

First you have to download client such as uTorrent, Bittorrent, or VUZE. You can download any of those here at KAT by just searching for them. Once you have downloaded the client, all you need to do is to get the file to browse to the page the Torrent is on, and click the "Download Torrent" button. Or if there is a problem with that one working, you can click the Magnet Link, which is the upside down U-shaped button to the left of the Download Torrent button. It takes a minute longer to start, but will work just the same.

4 - When I click Download Torrent it brings me to a different site.

This means something has happened to the Torrent, and it might need to be re-cached by the uploader (send the uploader a PM that something is wrong) or you can just click the magnet link (magnet icon next to download torrent) to avoid website redirection.

Instruction to use Instruction to use Reviewed by steven lee on October 30, 2017 Rating: 5

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