10 most brutal and cruel human history - Part 1

In human history, there are plenty of guys brutal, terrifying. But in this article, we will provide a consolidated list of the most evil men in history. 

Evil is not only including the massacre but also based on the negative impacts, the atrocities that they have caused to society. There will be mixed opinions because these characters have remarkable contributions. But in terms of objectivity, they have caused adverse consequences on a large scale.

10. Meditation vu Xiongnu Attila 

The first name on the list come from the land of wild Xiongnu. Attila, also Europeans are clearly Hungarian Attila, brought the nickname "God's whip" or "scourge of the sky", is Zen Vu Xiongnu Empire in 434 to 453 years. Regard to the Xiongnu he is a man of pride, he led college Hunnic empire stretched from Germany to the Ural river and the Danube river to the Baltic Sea. But with Western civilization he embodies a greedy and the most brutal.

He conquered throughout the war, from the Balkans to the frequency found, even almost captured the Roman East. However, the disease has hampered his success. On the road they had to go through, he plundered and slaughtered many people. The purge of how he made ​​the water who took home tan, to live a life of slavery to serve the army of cruel kings. He was known for saying eradicated express thoughts: "Where do we go through the horse's hooves, not even grass grows there anymore."

But in the end, ironically powerful emperor died this nosebleed in his wedding party.

9. Maximilien Robespierre 

Many people will wonder and extremely opposed to revolt leader named methods have in this list. He is the congressman of the 3rd class, the bourgeois class and peasants in French society. He is best known for the sharp words and insightful comments. 1789, he joined the French revolutionary spirit and sense of responsibility to serve the people. French people was called "friends of the poor", "leaders can not buy off".

But that in his revolutionary life, he had certain mistakes. He is the man behind the mass executions following the revolution took the lives of many innocent people. The death toll ranged from 18500 to 40000 people, many innocent people. Of which about 8% quarterly rate, 6% clerical, 14% in the middle class and 70% of the farmers. These people are forced crimes like hoarding, desertion, rebellion, ... Especially among those who have been convicted unjustly famous scientist Antoine Laurent Lavoisier. He has lost the support of the people.

Eventually he was arrested and executed when only 36 years old by the counter-revolution.

8. Ruhollah Khomeini 

Khomeini was a religious leader and politician Iran, a leader of the 1979 Iranian Revolution which saw the overthrow of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the last Shah of Iran. Following the revolution and a national referendum, Khomeini became Supreme Leader of Iran - a position of supreme power in both political and religious national constitution in place, the next when he died. During the leadership, he implemented the Sharia (law or acts of Islamic religious law) with the clothing regulations, mandatory food. Who will be punished by against the harsh penalties. During the conversation at the Fayzieah in Qom, August 30, 1979, Khomeini said: "These guys pretending to bring democracy to the destruction of this country would have been persecuted and hanged."

At home he is favored and worshiped but overseas, he was known more for his support of the hostage during the Iran hostage crisis and calls for fatwa (judgment) for death British citizen Salman Rushdie.

In the massacre of Iranian prisoners in 1988, Khomeini ordered the court ruled for the political prisoner and kill those who oppose the regime. Thousands of people have died, according to the memoirs of Grand Ayatullah Hossein Ali Montazeri, the death toll reached the number of 30,000.

Khomeini died of cancer on Saturday, 04 June 1989 at the age of 86.

7. Idi Amin

Idi Amin was a politician and served as president of Uganda. Amin joined the British colonial army in 1946 and was promoted to the rank of lieutenant general and commander of the Ugandan army. He came to power after a military coup in January 1971, Milton Obote abolished.

In his era, he had his political repression, human rights abuses and executions of other ethnic groups, Indians expelled from Uganda. The number of deaths in his regime are not well defined but is estimated to range from 80,000 to 500,000 people. August 4, 1972, Amin issued a decree expelled 60,000 Asians are not citizens of Uganda.

Amin was eventually overthrown, but until his death he has not expressed remorse for abusing regimes as well as the deaths he caused.

6. Leopold II of Belgium 
Leopold II had created something called "Congo Free State" (a country-his own business). His aim is to extract rubber and ivory in this area. The production is based on forced labor, massacres ... Congo Free State landscape engulfed in terrorism, mass murder, slavery manhunt.

The regime of the Congo Free State has caused outrage in the international community. Leopold ruled the land area larger than Belgium and oppressed people in the military here. The workers here were tortured, brutally massacred, they were hands, feet when not obey ... The number of victims is estimated at between 5 and 20 million, the number of deaths of 3 million people.

1908, in an action appease the international outcry about the brutality of the Congo Free State, the Belgian government has agreed to merge into a colony here, was immediately renamed Belgian Congo. December 1909, Leopold II died in Laeken.
10 most brutal and cruel human history - Part 1 10 most brutal and cruel human history  - Part 1 Reviewed by steven lee on June 30, 2014 Rating: 5

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